Judicial Custodies

Since 1976, the lawyer Mario Saltalamacchia has received assignments from the Court of Naples as an Official receiver of properties subject to foreclosure and confiscation.

These include, by importance

1) 1984: Sagliocco Vincenzo’s foreclosed properties in Naples, located in Via Petrarca 31 (107 assets);

2) 1989: the properties belonging to Fiorentino’s inheritance in Sorrento including, in addition to the Gran Hotel Exelcior Vittoria (where there is the suite in which Enrico Caruso stayed, who inspired the song by Lucio Dalla “DallAmeriCaruso”), the entire buildings located in Marina Piccola;

3) 1999: CE.DI.NA. S.r.l.’s foreclosed properties located in Isola E/3, Centro Direzionale di Napoli, including the entire building or tower.

Among the most important judgments regarding property management, the following should be noted:

1) judgement no. 12556/99 of the Italian Supreme Court published and edited by the following magazines:

– Guida al Diritto no. 49 dated 18/12/1999, p. 49 dated 18/12/1999, p. 39 and following;

– Giurisprudenza Italiana 1999, p. 1373 and following;

– Rivista dell’Esecuzione Forzata 2000, p. 163 and following.

2) judgement no. 821/06 of the Italian Court of Cassation in Giust. Civile Mass. 2006, 1, 34.

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