Saltalamacchia Law Firm was founded by Avv. Mario Saltalamacchia on April 30, 1974. He has always been characterized by the innovativeness of some of his battles, carried out with professional rigor and passion.
Among the many, two are worth mentioning: in the 1980s, a series of innovative sentences in the field of consumer protection with respect to harassment (to say the least) imposed by banks; in 2017 thanks to Avv. Luca Saltalamacchia the Firm managed to start a trial against an Italian energy giant on behalf of an entire Nigerian indigenous community, which then ended in a transaction.
Born in Trieste on 11/17/1942
Graduated with 106/110 on 3/31/1969
- University assistant at the "Ecclesiastical Law" course in the years 1970-71 and 1971/72, with particular expertise on Article 7 of the Constitution;
- Enrolled in the Register of practicing lawyers on 1/4/1969 and in the Register of lawyers on 14/7/1972;
- Advocate at the Supreme Court of Cassation and the Higher Jurisdictions since 1984;
- Work experience in the field of bankruptcy law, real estate executions, successions and commercial law.
- For a better understanding of the activity carried out in the period 1970-2005, please refer to the history of the Law Firm, which will be published separately.
I was born in Naples on 13/8/73.
I am member of the Italian Bar Association since 15/1/2002. Since 19/2/2016 I am authorized to practise before the High Courts.
I deal with civil law.
During my life, I have always been involved with pacifist and environmental associations; I was in Bosnia several times during the war of the 90s, I lived in India and I was lucky enough to have many other experiences that formed me, allowing me to focus on a fundamental aspect of my personal and professional life: the struggle for the protection of the environment and human rights.
I wrote my graduation thesis in International Law, dealing with the Convention for the prevention and repression of genocide.
Then I obtained a post-graduate degree in International Protection of Human Rights, and for a few years I have been a university assistant and expert for the chair of Human Rights at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the Oriental University of Naples.
I followed, together with environmental associations (such as Friends of the Earth) or associations focusing on the relationship between finance and human rights (such as Re:Common), some cases of violation of human rights perpetrated by Italian multinational companies against local populations due to projects which have a strong environmental impact.
In particular, I dealt with the project of the Ilisu dam (Turkish Kurdistan), financed by a bank controlled by Unicredit; the commercial relations between the EU and Morocco regarding the latter's undue occupation of Western Sahara; the construction of the Palo Viejo hydroelectric power station (Guatemala) by a company controlled by ENEL; the construction of the El Quimbo dam (Colombia) by a company controlled by ENEL; the massive pollution of the Niger river delta (Nigeria) by a company controlled by ENI.
In 2017 I started a trial in Italy against ENI on behalf of an entire Nigerian indigenous community (Ikebiri community) for the environmental devastation caused by a subsidiary of ENI's (NAOC) in Nigeria, a trial that was later abandoned due to an out-of-court agreement.
Since 2018 I have dealt with climate change (launching the Last Judgment platform:, devastation of the Italian forest heritage and 5G.
In my work experience, moreover, I have received various assignments from the Court of Naples as an Insolvency administrator of the assets seized from organised crime, as well as as a defender of the Insolvency administrations, and as an Official receiver and Professional delegate for the sale of real estate subject to foreclosure.
I have been appointed guardian or special tutor of over 40 minors by the Family Court of Naples.
Finally, I am a member of:
Pro-Rights: association for the protection of human rights
Volo Diritto Onlus: Italian association for the protection of human rights and the environment
Gruppo Unitario per le foreste italiane (GUFI): Italian association for the protection of the environment
I am a blogger writing for Themis and Methis:
I am member of the Rete Legalità per il Clima ("Legality Network for Climate"): with which we undertook some initiatives (
I was born in Naples on 13/12/1974.
I graduated with honours in 1999 and immediately began forensic practice by taking an interest in the civil sector, with particular regard to real estate and family issues.
I am a member of the Italian Bar Association since 28/1/2003.
In parallel, in 2002 I obtained a diploma as graphologist expert at the Università della Nuova Medicina (UIM) in Milan, and I enrolled in the Expert Register appointed by of the Court of Naples in June 2005.
The specialization as graphologist expert allows the examination of writings in order to ascertain their authorship. The practice of this profession includes both consultancy for parties in a proceeding and assignments by the Court.
In addition to the civil sector, I received assignments in the criminal branch for the verification of the authenticity of the writing in forgery crimes.
Still in 2002 I obtained the title of "expert in writing psychology" thanks to a diploma in "graphologist expertise" at the Università della Nuova Medicina. This sector includes the study of the psychic system through the analysis of writing.
Currently I mainly follow in the Law Firm practices concerning family and minors.
I was born in San Paolo Bel Sito (Na) on 30/11/1978. I graduated in Political Sciences at the University of Naples Federico II on 28/02/2008; after graduation, I got a two-year professional diploma in Systemic-Relational Family Mediation in 2010 and as a Counsellor in 2011 at the I.S.P.P.R.E.F. Institute of Psychotherapy in Naples.
In June 2018 I obtained the title as A.I.M.S. professional for family mediation with systemic-relational approach.
I am graduating in Clinical and Rehabilitation Psychology, a master’s degree course at Unicusano University in Rome, waiting for the graduation discussion scheduled for October 2020.
Between 2010-2016 I set up the family mediation and counselling service at the Social Services Office of the Municipality of Palma Campania (Na); the same service was then operational from September 2015 to April 2016 at the Municipality of Poggiomarino, and from September 2017 to June 2018 at the Municipality of Liveri.
I carried out an internship at the Family Court of Naples from March 2010 to July 2015.
I carried out family mediation activities at the Mediation Service Office of the Court of North Naples from January to December 2019.
I carried out several projects for minors at risk by collaborating with associations and foundations in the Neapolitan territory.